The two types of licences that are recognised for driving a minibus are a regular (B) vehicle licence and a D1 driving licence. Your need for one will rely on 1. The weight of the vehicle 2. Whether you are getting paid to drive, and 3. Whether the car is being used for work-related purposes.If you meet certain requirements, including that drivers are over 21 and have been driving for more than two years, that the vehicle's gross vehicle weight (GVW) is less than 3.5 tonnes (or 4.25 tonnes with speciality equipment), and that drivers receive no payment or other consideration, you are permitted to operate a minibus operated not-for-profitably under a Section 19 Permit. The maximum weight that a car may safely carry while operating on the road, including passengers, the driver, and luggage, is known as the GVW or MAM. This determines whether drivers require D1 entitlement and is frequently referred to as the authorised maximum weight.
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